The Easy Star was designed for first-time pilots in mind, and offers incredibly stable flight characteristics and durability. Powered by a powerful Speed 400 motor mounted on the top so a hard landing won't break the prop or hurt the motor. The Easy Star flies with little input and has the ability to recover easily. Made from Multiplex's durable "Elapor" foam, the Easy Star will take a tremendous amount of abuse without breaking. And, if it does break, it is easily repaired with CA (super) glue. Even after many crashes during the learning process, the Easy Star will be ready for more and is sure to still be around to teach someone else to fly when other trainers would be ready for the trash can!
- Assembles in half an hour
- Constructed from Elapor foam
- Quiet Speed 400 motor installed
- Hitec Focus 3 radio, servos and speed control installed
- Battery and charger included
In Depth
- Wingspan: 54 in (1372mm)
- Overall Length: 36 in (914mm)
- Wing Area: 372 sq in (24.0 sq dm)
- Flying Weight: 24 oz (680g)
- Aileron: No
- Elevator: Yes
- Rudder: Yes
- Throttle: Yes
- Experience Level: Beginner
- Recommended Environment: Outdoor